“Aronofsky has created a work that plays as if Guillermo del Toro was directing a play by Harold Pinter.” – Daniel M. Kimmel, North Shore Movies
“MOTHER! is nothing short of a cinematic triumph. We only get a few of these each year, so pay attention and see this before some internet troll tries to ruin it for you.” – Deirdre Crimmins, Film Thrills
“There’s a self-reflexivity in the technique here that I can’t remember seeing in Aronofsky’s prior work. Not enough to signal to the audience that the filmmaker is completely in on the joke but just enough to make things cheekier. After all, it is a two-hour saga about misdirected pain and suffering.” – Sam Cohen, Substream Magazine
“…through this blistering vision of humanity in decline, there’s no denying that Aronofsky is at the peak of his powers here, delivering what could be one of the most feverishly demented films to ever emerge from a mainstream studio.” – Charlie Nash, Film Thrills
“I might not like MOTHER! very much but I feel enormous gratitude that it exists.” – Sean Burns, Spliced Personality
“This is a spy thriller for the Trump Era, where rules that are inconvenient are simply brushed aside.” – Daniel M. Kimmel, North Shore Movies
“… a tired, all-too-familiar string of spy tropes that mainly serve as bridge work to the film’s dull, gratuitously violent action sequences, each of which has the exact same formula: Both parties shoot at one another, and if they miss, they start throwing fists before eventually drawing blades that end up either in someone’s neck or abdomen.” – Charlie Nash, Edge Boston