mister-babadook-53a4404decc07-the-babadook-a-horror-movie-so-scary-that-it-freaked-out-even-the-exorcist-directorTHE BABADOOK

“Although it’s not completely the kind of horror film that I would have expected it to be, THE BABADOOK turns out to be an outstanding piece of entertainment.” – Jaskee Hickman, The Movie Picture Show

“As menacing as the unseen monster is, “The Babadook” bases its scares on the increasingly aggressive relationship between mother and son.” – Inkoo Kang, The Wrap

“Call it horror, call it melodrama, call it what you like—this is a great film.” – Andy Crump, Paste Magazine


keeponkeepinon1KEEP ON KEEPIN’ ON

“…the warmth and affection for its subject makes some of the film’s softer moments charming instead of irritating. – David Riedel, Santa Fe Reporter