Hello, film fans!

As you know, the Boston Online Film Critics Association publishes a weekly round-up of our members’ reviews of major new releases to Boston-area theaters every Friday. But BOFCA’s diverse membership does more than just that: Many of us publish reviews, articles, videos and podcasts on a wide variety of other film and entertainment related subjects.

Thus, we’re instituting a new Mid-Week Roundup; where you’ll find a choice selection of the other great content BOFCA members have to offer. As this is our inaugural installment, a few selections may go back a bit – but if you haven’t seen it yet, it’s new to you. Enjoy!

Movie Mezzanine’s “History of Film” had Sean Burns on 8 1/2 and Andy Crump on PLAYTIME

David Riedel, Evan Crean and Kris Jenson have new podcast venture, Spoilerpiece Theatre. Check out a new episode here.

Sean Burns and Jake Mulligan examine the Boston Repertory scene blog-style at Boston Rep Film

Inkoo Kang reviewed THE COLD LANDS

Deirdre Crimmins looked at the classic DARK CITY and HAUSU (HOUSE) for The Brattle Theater, and offered dispatches from Fantasia Film Festival

David Riedel dove into BRIGHT DAYS AHEAD

Tim Estiloz, Monica Castillo and Jared Bowen appeared on WGBH to talk Summer Movies

Killian Melloy reviewed BOY MEETS GIRL

Bob Chipman and Inkoo Kang appeared on the Escapist Movies Podcast

Michael Cox reviewed the documentaries BIG JOY, THE FINAL MEMBER and THE UNKNOWN KNOWN



“For those invested in the Marvel superheroes, CAPTAIN AMERICA: THE WINTER SOLDIER ranks high up there. It’s not THE AVENGERS or IRON MAN, but it’s better than most of the rest of them.” – Daniel Kimmel, NorthShoreMovies

“136 minutes of badly edited action sequences linked together with an overheated plot and some lukewarm performances.” – John Black, Boston Event Guide

“A fantastic comic book movie that is sure to entertain the overwhelming majority of its viewers.” – Jaskee Hickman

“Once you take him out of a fanciful WWII era, you can’t not get political with a character who’s named after a country and wears its flag as his uniform.” – Bob Chipman, Escapist

“Blows its predecessor out of the water and rivals THE AVENGERS for slam-bang action and thrills. It’s the best Marvel movie thus far.” – David Riedel, Santa Fe Reporter



“But if Rumsfeld twists and spins, Morris seems to lack the energy to pin him down.” – Kilian Melloy, EDGE

“Just remember the root of all these conversations is nearly 4,500 dead Americans and more than 500,000 dead Iraqis. File that under ‘known known.'” – David Riedel, San Antonion Current



“Von Trier has made a psychological epic but he’s also made his greatest comedy.” – Jake Mulligan, Movie Mezzanine

“NYMPH()MANIAC VOL II is, mercifully, not as bad as VOL I, but it has its share of problems. The largest remains its rampant misogyny disguising itself as empowerment.” – David Riedel, Santa Fe Reporter

“Feels like the work of both an erudite professor you’d like to spend time with and an immature college student you’d like to kick in the balls.” – Norm Schrager, Meet in the Lobby



“”It is the greatest movie that never got made. … At least it is in the opinion of the man who wanted to make it.” – John Black, Boston Event Guide