“… a hangout movie with a high blood alcohol concentration—a descendant of National Lampoon’s most famous off-campus romp, and all the guy-gang comedies that followed it.” – Jake Mulligan, Dig Boston

“EVERYBODY WANTS SOME!! is a fun-loving feature that paints a positive picture about being yourself and understanding the importance of building relationships.” – Jaskee Hickman, Cinematic Essential

“…the film’s flimsiness is made frustrating by the fact that we know [Linklater] can do so much better.” – Andy Crump, A Constant Visual Feast


midnight-special-test-xlargeMIDNIGHT SPECIAL

“Unfortunately, just as he did in TAKE SHELTER, Nichols pushes too far into an ending that may have been best left offscreen, unvisualized.” – Brett Michel, The Improper Bostonian

“The film is a symphony of theme and mood that grows and grows, much like the excellent score which evolves from the backbone of a simple piano motif to booming bass synths only to arrive at orchestral culmination in the final act. ” – Greg Vellante, Sound & Picture

“Writer/director Jeff Nichols has grand ideas, but they lack hard edges.” – Killian Melloy, Edge Boston

“Sometimes we’re asked to do things that are beyond us. Too bad for Nichols that glorifying his own influences proves beyond him.” – Andy Crump, Paste Magazine

“This is a glum bit of business, with a few more nods to the original TERMINATOR movie than were perhaps necessary. What’s also missing is a sense of wonder.” – Sean Burns, Spliced Personality


theclan4-xlargeTHE CLAN

“There’s a GOODFELLAS vibe here, as horrific violence and criminal incompetence combine. In the end, however, the film — which is based on true events and the crimes of a real family — is more a tragedy than either a comedy or a caper.” – Kilian Melloy, Edge Boston