“MONEY MONSTER is an exceptional feature film that happens to be well written.” – Jaskee Hickman, Cinematic Essential
“…it’s the sort of movie that Hollywood had seemed to have forgotten how to make.” – Daniel M. Kimmel, North Shore Movies
“Calling the film Wheatley’s cheekiest effort to date might not be saying much, but there you have it.” – Andy Crump, Paste Magazine
“Practicality has no place in High-Rise – the film is here to make a point about the extremes of status, and play with the expectations of civility and money.” – Norm Schrager, Meet In The Lobby
“…a rare jewel: a singular aesthetic vision born of elements you’ve long been familiar with.” – Jake Mulligan, Dig Boston
“…it’s impossible to divorce the film’s aesthetic from its text, to engage its eroticism without engaging its sexual abuses, and to ignore its studied portrayal of witchery.” – Andy Crump, Paste Magazine
“…not exactly erotica, but an investigation into the relationship between structural power versus personal empowerment.” – Kristofer Jenson, Boston Reel
“Grandeur is a hallmark of great Hong Kong action cinema, and KILL ZONE 2 paints in broad brushstrokes of sentiment and sensation through use of sight and sound alike.” – Andy Crump, Paste Magazine
“For even the biggest action fans, I’m unable to recommend KILL ZONE 2. Drastically reducing the amount of story or making a more substantial effort to greatly improve it would likely have me saying the opposite.” – Jaskee Hickman, Cinematic Essential