We’ll be updating this page weekly with our reviews, interviews, features and more.
“Trying to keep all the various threads of the storyline straight in your mind will give you a headache and, frankly it’s not really worth it.” – John Black, Boston Event Guide
“Will Smith continues his sad journey from ‘promising young movie star’ to ‘CEO of Smith Family Dynasty Entertainment Properties.'” –
Sean Burns, Philadelphia Weekly
“I hate to break it to our readers, but the wise-cracking worms are practically nonexistent save for a background comment. Sad alien face.”
– Monica Castillo, DigBoston
“You’ll come out looking for the neuralizer.” – Bob Chipman, The Escapist
“The stupidity of this movie extends beyond 3D, into the dialogue between its characters.” – Evan Crean, Reel Recon
“Brolin’s dead-on impression of a younger Tommy Lee Jones is what makes this movie so enjoyable.” – Tim Estiloz, Boston Latino TV
“It won’t change your life nor will it boggle you with its concepts. However if you let it, this is a movie prepared to entertain.” – Daniel M. Kimmel, Sci-Fi Movie Page
“Decisions this safe should never be celebrated.” – Jake Mulligan, EDGE Boston
“This movie is absolutely weightless, in the worst way possible. It holds absolutely no substance, no lasting power, and I loathe it for existing in the first place.” – Greg Vellante, The Eagle Tribune
“It’s appropriate that the young cast spends a good deal of time running in circles—it’s a metaphor for first-time director Brad Parker’s repetitive, colorless action.” – Norm Schrager, Paste Magazine
“Unforgettable. A multi-layered, almost impressionistic vision of what being immersed in the lives of these police officers must be like.” –
John Black, Boston Event Guide
“It’s like seeing an onion of revolting sins peeled away layer by putrid layer, the rot growing blacker with each scene.” –
Kilian Melloy, EDGE Boston
“The dialogue feels wholly original as both actors translate their characters’ pent-up disdain for one another into fits of spontaneous spewing — and hilarity.” –
Norm Schrager, Meet In The Lobby