landscape-1485831848-hbz-batb-new-1 BEAUTY AND THE BEAST

“They say imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, but here it feels more like flatulence.” – Greg Vellante, Edge Boston

“BEAUTY AND THE BEAST is far from spectacular, and it’s certainly leagues away from touching the iconography of the 1991 animated version, but it’s more than fine as a beautiful and touching homage to a film the writers, directors and stars clearly adore.” – Allyson Johnson, Cambridge Day

“…the best movie musical in years, and one that deserves to be seen on the big screen.” – Daniel M. Kimmel, North Shore Movies



the_sense_of_ending_stillTHE SENSE OF AN ENDING

“Nostalgia can be hazardous to one’s health, but as demonstrated by [Ritesh] Batra, those hazards can also be healing when met with the right demeanor.” – Andy Crump, Paste Magazine



personal-shopper-1PERSONAL SHOPPER

“…audience members willing to embrace it are in for something special: a film happy to meditate on the process of grief through a genuine cinematic mold.” – Allyson Johnson, Cambridge Day

“As it stands now, I found PERSONAL SHOPPER to be an ambitious piece of filmmaking that is much more than meets the eye.” – Nick Casaletto, We Live Entertainment



“It’s stuff and nonsense, and yet all of that stuff and nonsense is precisely what makes NERUDA, a living poem given shape and form through cinema, so darn good.” – Andy Crump, Paste Magazine



the-belko-experiment-tiff-2THE BELKO EXPERIMENT

“… if you are in the age bracket of 12-17, you will more than likely think this is the best movie ever.” – Nick Casaletto, We Live Entertainment