CREED IIcreed-ii-2-1542729450

“…take the movie for what it is: a better Creed sequel than you’d expect, and an improvement on the Rocky sequel that could use some work.” – Andy Crump, Men’s Health

“It may not be a fantastic picture, but CREED II is a serviceable boxing movie that will almost certainly please the crowd primarily because its positive attributes far outweigh its negatives.” – Jaskee Hickman, Cinematic Essential

“It’s definitely not the original, nor will it ever be, but it’s still enjoyable to endure. There’s just no escaping that shadow.” – Greg Vellante, Edge Boston

“Just as Adonis Creed is a worthy of the Apollo Creed legacy, CREED II is another deserving addition to the ROCKY canon.” – Deirdre Crimmins, High-Def Digest

“CREED II is pretty much the movie everyone was worried the first CREED was gonna be, but it’s well-acted enough that I couldn’t hate it.” – Sean Burns, North Shore Movies


Film Title: Green BookGREEN BOOK

“GREEN BOOK is about two men from very different worlds and experiences who discover their common humanity.” – Daniel M. Kimmel, North Shore Movies

“GREEN BOOK plays like a bizarre Trumpist’s anti-Obama empowerment fantasy, in which a proudly ignorant white prole is constantly humiliating an erudite, sophisticated black man and showing him how the world really works.” – Sean Burns, The ARTery



“It’s in the grand tradition of the classic Hollywood cartoons in that it provides entertainment for all ages, even if you end up laughing at different things.” – Daniel M. Kimmel, North Shore Movie

“The brainstorming and care put into both WRECK-IT RALPH and RALPH BREAKS THE INTERNET are obvious. Aside from the journey we get being comprehensively pleasant, this sequel is also just a project brimming with thoughtfulness.” – Jaskee Hickman, Cinematic Essential


RHO_D059_26871_RC (1)ROBIN HOOD

“Non-super things made super isn’t a new aesthetic, but it’s at its most shameless in ROBIN HOOD, superimposing raw essential parts stolen from Batman’s background upon its source material.” – Andy Crump, Polygon


at-eternitys-gate-AEG_005_rgb-1000x663AT ETERNITY’S GATE

“AT ETERNITY’S GATE is about van Gogh as a painter and a craftsman, not a symbol. Schnabel puts the focus back on the work, and in the process allows us to see these familiar paintings with fresh eyes.” – Sean Burns, The ARTery





rev-1-fbcog-cctrlr-010_high_res_jpegFANTASTIC BEASTS: THE CRIMES OF GRINDELWALD

“For Rowling’s loyal fans – who are legion – this is an exciting next chapter. For those who haven’t really paid much attention, THE CRIMES OF GRINDELWALD may provide some fantastic moments but may seem otherwise impenetrable.” – Daniel M. Kimmel, North Shore Movies

“It’s very possible in these filler films to craft a sense of urgency and wonder, but THE CRIMES OF GRINDELWALD just falls flat.” – Deirdre Crimmins, High-Def Digest


“…an entertaining thriller that grabs you from the start and puts you through the wringer. It may not be art, but it’s rattling good entertainment.” – Daniel M. Kimmel, North Shore Movies

“As a pure, visceral experience, it’s an undeniably entertaining ride.” – Charlie Nash, Edge Boston

“WIDOWS as a commendable duality where it’s able to be fun but not forgettable and exciting without being mindless fluff.” – Allyson Johnson, The Young Folks



“At a cultural moment when powerful men are finally being called upon to answer for their sexual improprieties, a film like THE FRONT RUNNER couldn’t possibly be less in tune with the times.” – Sean Burns, North Shore Movies


“Adoptive parents and their kids should be represented in contemporary cinema. They just deserve better than INSTANT FAMILY.” – Deirdre Crimmins, High-Def Digest