THE HOUSE WITH A CLOCK IN ITS WALLSf3f22cc1cf766aae3384304a4d81c3106a95f01a

“A kicky throwback to those mischievous, slightly sinister kids’ adventures Steven Spielberg proteges used to churn out on a fairly regular basis three decades ago.” – Sean Burns, North Shore Movies

“Though it’s certain to please the little ones when they tire of trick-or-treating, this film doesn’t capture the full aura of its predecessor.” – Michael Cox, Edge Boston

“If executed properly, THE HOUSE WITH A CLOCK IN ITS WALLS could have possibly become a surprise hit.” – Jaskee Hickman, Cinematic Essential

“THE HOUSE WITH A CLOCK IN ITS WALLS is exactly what it needs to be: charming and creepy.” – Deirdre Crimmins, High-Def Digest



“LIZZIE has got to be the most bloodless movie ever made about an ax murderer.” – Sean Burns, The ARTery

“…LIZZIE postures with the stuffy importance of most historical biopics, and the clash between biography and thrills ends up feeling exploitative.” – Andy Crump, Paste Magazine

“LIZZIE feels like a peek behind the lace curtains of an abusive and ultimately murderous household. It offers a sympathetic view towards an axe-wielding killer, and does so with sensitivity and respect.” – Deidre Crimmins, High-Def Digest

“…a film that moves at such a glacial pace that by the time we finally see the murders occur you’re unlikely to care who is responsible. ” – Daniel M. Kimmel, North Shore Movies



“Pitched somewhere between a tall tale and an expose, marinated in the whiskey and cocaine benders of outlaw country music’s juke joint fringe, it’s a richly ambivalent film about artistic expression as its own reward and the bad romance of our most destructive impulses.” – Sean Burns, The ARTery


74b63461-01c5-4fab-a5e0-81802b632a6a-Life_ItselfLIFE ITSELF

“…if your attitude is that life is meaningless and then you die, you may want to give this one a pass. Fogelman clearly believes life has meaning, even if we can’t always see it for ourselves.” – Daniel M. Kimmel, North Shore Movies