“…the point of the series is that it provides visceral and violent action, delivering plenty of jolts mixed in with a dash of humor.” – Daniel M. Kimmel, North Shore Movies
“ANGEL HAS FALLEN is what I’m sure most people probably expect it to be.” – Jaskee Hickman, Cinematic Essential
“In some ways, this is covering the same ground – albeit in a horror context – as last year’s CRAZY RICH ASIANS” – Daniel M. Kimmel, North Shore Movies
“READY OR NOT is a beautiful film to look at, even after the blood starts to spray across the family heirlooms.” – John Black, Gruesome Magazine
“READY OR NOT is great fun within a package of biting wit and criticism; it’s a film that ultimately communicates the lengths that the rich will go to maintain their fortune and reputation, even if it comes at the expense of others.” – Greg Vellante, EDGE Media Network
“There’s not a whole lot wrong with READY OR NOT, but it could have been more than what it is.” – Jaskee Hickman, Cinematic Essential