“No amount of fake nostalgia for the first three movies can cover up the stink that emanates from every frame of the new Bourne movie.” – John Black, Boston Event Guide
“Definitely not bad, but fair warning: I only finished watching it six hours ago and I already don’t remember most of what was supposed to be going on.” – Bob Chipman, The Escapist
“Hell, over an hour and a half into the movie, we get introduced to the bad guy from another CIA program that chose its acronyms out of alphabet soup.” – Monica Castillo, DigBoston
“A film that sucks the vibrant marrow out of this once entertaining franchise, leaving behind only a bland, overall dull, lifeless bone with no real meat to savor.” – Tim Estiloz, Boston Movie Examiner
“The end of the film is not so much a resolution as a pause. The studio obviously hopes it stands for a big sign that reads ‘to be continued.’” – Daniel M. Kimmel,
“After a while I became extremely jealous of Matt Damon for managing to escape this franchise and I desperately wished to join him.” – Greg Vellante, The Eagle Tribune
“Tony Gilroy’s spy flick isn’t close family. It’s more like a less interesting distant cousin.” – Evan Crean, Reel Recon
“The problem with the movie is that it sucks.” – Brett Michel, The Post-Movie Podcast
“If you’re already fed up with just how stupid real life politics has become, this movie is the antidote.” – Daniel M. Kimmel,
“We’ve so thoroughly left behind any credible representation of actual life and real people that the movie lacks any political punch.” – Kilian Melloy, EDGEBoston
“I really liked it. I think this is Zach Galifianakis at his funniest. I can’t wait to see it again.” – Steve Head, The Post-Movie Podcast
“It’s the most infuriating kind of comedy, one that keeps flirting with sharp ideas, only to retreat into barn-door-broad buffoonery.” – Sean Burns, Philadelphia Weekly
“The entire movie is filled with moments that feel overplayed and underwritten. It always settles for the cheap, easy laugh.” – John Black, Boston Event Guide
“It wants to be sharp political satire. Unfortunately, its wit is as dull as our latest GOP candidates.” – Jake Mulligan, The Suffolk Voice
“Despite its missteps, the film is impossible to resist after a summer that was almost entirely devoid of stories about human beings.” – Jake Mulligan, EDGEBoston
“This won’t make any ten best lists at the end of the year, but it ought to start a lot fruitful conversations.” – Daniel M. Kimmel,