“No amount of fake nostalgia for the first three movies can cover up the stink that emanates from every frame of the new Bourne movie.” – John Black, Boston Event Guide

“Definitely not bad, but fair warning: I only finished watching it six hours ago and I already don’t remember most of what was supposed to be going on.” – Bob Chipman, The Escapist

“Hell, over an hour and a half into the movie, we get introduced to the bad guy from another CIA program that chose its acronyms out of alphabet soup.” – Monica Castillo, DigBoston

“A film that sucks the vibrant marrow out of this once entertaining franchise, leaving behind only a bland, overall dull, lifeless bone with no real meat to savor.” – Tim Estiloz, Boston Movie Examiner

“The end of the film is not so much a resolution as a pause. The studio obviously hopes it stands for a big sign that reads ‘to be continued.’” – Daniel M. Kimmel,

“After a while I became extremely jealous of Matt Damon for managing to escape this franchise and I desperately wished to join him.” – Greg Vellante, The Eagle Tribune

“Tony Gilroy’s spy flick isn’t close family. It’s more like a less interesting distant cousin.” – Evan Crean, Reel Recon

“The problem with the movie is that it sucks.” – Brett Michel, The Post-Movie Podcast



“Visceral and sadistic, yet with a fiendish sense of humor about its fundamental depravity. The movie is plain wrong on so many levels, and I loved every minute of it.” – Sean Burns, The Improper Bostonian
“Hollywood maverick-turned-independent holdout William Friedkin’s taste for sadism has never been personified better than in McConaughey’s unassuming-but-dangerous drawl.” – Jake Mulligan, The Boston Phoenix
“I didn’t think it was a well-made movie. I liked some of the performances but I didn’t think it held together well at all.” – John Black, The Post-Movie Podcast
“Everything takes place within McConaughey’s devilish eyes that flicker with charm and then glare into your soul with unmatched, bone-chilling depravity.” – Greg Vellante, The Eagle Tribune



“If you’re already fed up with just how stupid real life politics has become, this movie is the antidote.” – Daniel M. Kimmel,

“We’ve so thoroughly left behind any credible representation of actual life and real people that the movie lacks any political punch.” – Kilian Melloy, EDGEBoston

“I really liked it. I think this is Zach Galifianakis at his funniest. I can’t wait to see it again.” – Steve Head, The Post-Movie Podcast

“It’s the most infuriating kind of comedy, one that keeps flirting with sharp ideas, only to retreat into barn-door-broad buffoonery.” – Sean Burns, Philadelphia Weekly

“The entire movie is filled with moments that feel overplayed and underwritten. It always settles for the cheap, easy laugh.” – John Black, Boston Event Guide

“It wants to be sharp political satire. Unfortunately, its wit is as dull as our latest GOP candidates.” – Jake Mulligan, The Suffolk Voice



“Despite its missteps, the film is impossible to resist after a summer that was almost entirely devoid of stories about human beings.” – Jake Mulligan, EDGEBoston

“This won’t make any ten best lists at the end of the year, but it ought to start a lot fruitful conversations.” – Daniel M. Kimmel,



“It’s so lightweight and underdeveloped, you’ll leave the theatre feeling like they still haven’t found him yet.” – Sean Burns, Philadelphia Weekly
“Bendjelloul unlocks a mystery, painting a compelling portrait of a hidden rock icon.” – Brett Michel, The Boston Phoenix 
Perhaps this is the filmmaker’s trip back to the metaphorical toy store, realizing that with age, there’s more to storytelling than examining shocking people and ugly values.” – Norm Schrager, Meet In The Lobby