Peter O'Meara rides a horse in a reenactment as Benedict Arnold in the documentary Benedict Arnold: Hero Betrayed BENEDICT ARNOLD: HERO BETRAYED

“BENEDICT ARNOLD: HERO BETRAYED may not make you want to petition for an Arnold monument, but it will get you to see this much maligned historical figure in a new light.” – Daniel M. Kimmel, North Shore Movies


The heroes in the film the Eternals all stand together on a beachETERNALS

“There’s every reason Marvel’s ETERNALS should not work…And yet it does work. Gloriously so. Intelligently so.” – Daniel M. Kimmel, North Shore Movies



Tom Hanks looks down at his robot dog in the movie FinchFINCH

“FINCH, while not a badly made film, is a wholly unoriginal one making you feel as if you’re already seen it more than once.” – Daniel M. Kimmel, North Shore Movies



Regina King looks menacing as Zazie Beetz stands behind her in the film The Harder They FallTHE HARDER THEY FALL

“It might grab headlines in The Hollywood Reporter or Deadline–“An All Black Western!”—which would stroke morals and egos, but it doesn’t make THE HARDER THEY FALL a good or plausible western.” – Randy Steinberg, Blast Magazine