Martin Lawrence stands next to Will Smith in Bad Boys for LifeBAD BOYS FOR LIFE

“Smith, at 51, and Lawrence, 54, aren’t exactly senior citizens, but they both seem past their sell-by date for this kind of movie.” – Daniel M. Kimmel, North Shore Movies

“I don’t think you can have a bad time watching BAD BOYS FOR LIFE.” – Jaskee Hickman, Cinematic Essential


Robert Downey Jr. sits among animals in the poster for the movie DolittleDOLITTLE

“Imagine being the biggest household name in the biggest franchise on the planet, finally reaching the end of a contract that made you more money than you can dream of, and then deciding to make DOLITTLE.” – Greg Vellante, EDGE Media Network


Two men walk together in the 2019 movie Les MiserablesLES MISÉRABLES

“This film is an open discussion brought to life through cinema. And the genius of LES MISÉRABLES is that the discussion continues long after the screen goes black, as its final image stays seared into the screen and your mind alike.” – Greg Vellante, EDGE Media Network