“The film isn’t engaging with the dark soul of a man, it’s a work of societal criticism, disguised as a character piece.” – Jake Mulligan, Movie Mezzanine

“Eventually the movie’s gargantuan three-hour running-time becomes part of the joke. The vulgarity feels heroic.” – Sean Burns, Technology Tell

“It does for stockbrokers what GOODFELLAS did for mobsters.” – Daniel Kimmel, North Shore Movies

“Most shamefully of all, it’s also a total blast, though you’ll probably want to take a shower afterward.” – Andrew Crump, Go-See-Talk

“About as pure cinema as a movie can get.” – David Riedel, Santa Fe Reporter

“Scorsese puts us there, right in the filthy-rich middle of it. I understood the lure, the addiction, the sheer adrenaline rush and ride.” – Joyce Kulhawik, Joyce’s Choices

“The cast is so game for whatever [Scorsese] plunges them into, it’s hard not to get a contact high.” – Bob Chipman, Escapist



“The brand name-dropping is so gratuitous that when the movie appears on television, the commercials will already be in place.” – Daniel Kimmel, North Shore Movies

“it almost seems like a self-aware joke that never fully pays off.” – Bob Chipman, Escapist

“Trudges along – amiable, lovingly photographed by Stuart Dryburgh, and utterly forgettable.” – Kilian Melloy, Kal’s Movie Blog

“More like The Secret Life of Walter Shitty. THE SECRET LIFE OF WALTER MITTY holds you in contempt, so why not make a lame joke at its expense?” – David Riedel, Santa Fe Reporter



“The film’s critical fans–seem to think he’s breaking new ground. He’s not, and the resulting film is more disappointing than the hype surrounding it lets on.” – Daniel Kimmel, North Shore Movies

“A wholly unique work that’s peppered with humor but is more meaningfully shaped through its examination of human relationships in a culture grown overly reliant on precious gadgetry.” – Andrew Crump, Go-See-Talk

“A surprisingly sweet, melancholy, and touching meditation on how we manage relationships.” – David Riedel, C-Ville



“This ludicrous movie turns out to much better than anyone might have expected.” – Daniel Kimmel, North Shore Movies

“It’s ROCKY versus RAGING BULL by way of an anti-buddy movie formula. The genius fizzles there, and the adequate takes over, but that doesn’t mean there’s no fun to be had.” – Kilian Melloy, EDGE

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