“In the late 1970s on the comedy series “SCTV,” John Candy and Joe Flaherty did a bit called “Farm Film Report” in which they reviewed the films of the day. Their highest praise was for movies that “blowed up real good.” They would have loved SKYSCRAPER.” – Daniel M. Kimmel, North Shore Movies

“SKYSCRAPER is an action movie where you’re going to get what you’re probably hoping for.” – Jaskee Hickman, Cinematic Essential

“The high points of SKYSCRAPER are, not too surprisingly, its literal high points.” – Greg Vellante, Edge Boston

“Put bluntly, we deserve better than this. The Rock deserves better than this. Neve Campbell deserves better than this. Big, dumb summer action movies deserve better than this.” – Deirdre Crimmins, High-Def Digest


180705132711-hotel-transylvania-3-exlarge-169HOTEL TRANSYLVANIA 3: SUMMER VACATION

“Overall, HOTEL TRANSYLVANIA 3 is an easy movie for summer vacation. It contains no real scares, but it’s fun enough for monster kids of all ages.” – Deirdre Crimmins, High-Def Digest




“With a richly textured visual technique and bone-dry humor, [Lucretia] Martel takes no small pleasure in depicting the gears of colonialism grinding up its own.” – Sean Burns, The ARTery



elvis-presleyTHE KING

“THE KING isn’t particularly interested in Elvis Presley as an artist or a person, cutting his most famously iconic performances to such smithereens the uninitiated may wonder what the fuss was all about.” – Sean Burns, The ARTery


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