“To its credit, the movie comes across less as an opportunity to squeeze every last dollar out of the franchise and more like Rowling has many more stories to tell in a universe she hasn’t yet finished exploring.” – Daniel M. Kimmel, North Shore Movies

“These fantastic beasts inhabit a world where the sun doesn’t exist and CGI is a way of life.” – Jaskee Hickman, Cinematic Essential

“For everything that works in the film, there are two things that don’t, and those things all tie back to how laborious it must be to lay the foundation for the next four films in the series. (Yes, four.) ” – Andy Crump, Paste Magazine

“Sometimes the magic of unadulterated and inspired storytelling is all you really need, and Rowling’s control of this craft is something fierce.” – Greg Vellante, Forces of Geek


Bleed-For-This-Miles-Teller-and-Aaron-EckhartBLEED FOR THIS

“This is a middleweight movie with some nice moves, but no real knockout punch.” – Kilian Melloy, Edge Boston

“Because of the high level of fiction featured all throughout it, it’s impossible to seriously consider BLEED FOR THIS to be any sort of actual biography.” – Jaskee Hickman, Cinematic Essential


billy-lynns-long-halftime-walk-joe-alswynBILLY LYNN’S LONG HALFTIME WALK

“It’s all as misguided as the special filming process utilized by director Ang Lee who shot this at 120 frames per second (rather than the standard 24 per second rate) which most audiences will never get to see.” – Daniel M. Kimmel, North Shore Movies



the-love-witchTHE LOVE WITCH

“…if THE LOVE WITCH overstays its welcome, it at least has the courtesy to be ravishing to behold.” – Andy Crump, Paste Magazine

“The film is deeply feminist and embraces camp as a means to carry deeper theoretical messages, and uses sexual magic as a metaphor for male anxiety and female empowerment.” – Kristofer Jenson, C-Ville Weekly






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