videothumbnail_findingdory_disney_b330d055FINDING DORY

“FINDING DORY is a solid effort and a nice comeback from last year’s THE GOOD DINOSAUR, but make no mistake––unlike last year’s brilliant “Inside Out,” this is not the best American animated feature we’ve seen this year.” – Daniel M. Kimmel, North Shore Movies

“The best parts of the film are the too few occasions when it pauses for long enough to let us drink in the majesty of what we’re being shown.” – Sean Burns, Spliced Personality

“FINDING DORY is a weird entry for Pixar in that it feels like it should actually be a lot darker than it is.” – Bob Chipman, MovieBob

“Overall, there is a good movie for kids here that more than likely will not disappoint.” – Jaskee Hickman, Cinematic Essential


12273632_1000448093351815_5346996537441224620_oCENTRAL INTELLIGENCE

“Thanks in no small part to these two lead performances, the movie has a heart as big as its Johnson.” – Sean Burns, Spliced Personality

“Hart and Johnson both have a real gift for effortlessly grooving with other performers, so giving them a stage to groove on naturally lends itself to easy viewing.” – Andy Crump, Paste Magazine

“In the end, CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE works mainly because it knows what it is, but it still manages to try a few new things.” – Jaskee Hickman, Cinematic Essential

“CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE is a buddy comedy done right. For a change, there was some intelligence on both sides of the camera.” – Daniel M. Kimmel, North Shore Movies


de-palmaDE PALMA

“One of the best movies ever made about making movies, DE PALMA s not a film for those who wish to retain romantic notions about an artist’s process.” – Sean Burns, The ARTery

“De Palma is a great artist, but the greatest pleasure of DE PALMA is that he never speaks like one.” – Jake Mulligan, Dig Boston





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