

BABY DRIVER is a good source of entertainment that’s easy to appreciate right from the very beginning.” – Jaskee Hickman, Cinematic Essential

“I guess calling him CAR-LORD would’ve been a bit on the nose.” – Bob Chipman,

“Does the film ever live up to the bliss of its opening moments? Not quite; but, I’ll be damned if it doesn’t try and succeed in, at the very least, being one of the coolest movies I’ll likely see this year.” – Greg Vellante, Edge Boston

“For a director of such awesome technical proficiency, Wright demonstrates with every precision-tooled edit that he knows how to make a movie, but he can’t seem to convey a compelling reason why.” – Sean Burns, The ARTery

“…the proverbial summer action movie, but done with enough wit and flair that you don’t feel like you’ve seen it over and over again…” – Daniel M. Kimmel, North Shore Movies



“THE BEGUILED’s portraiture of the Southern belle archetype isn’t an endorsement. It’s a mounting indictment verging on satire.” – Andy Crump, Paste Magazine

“The film is full of wry observations about the countless little ways women become competitors once a man is introduced into the picture.” – Sean Burns, The ARTery




“We are even ‘treated’ to a scene where a drunken (man) takes samples of Okja flesh, cooks it up and then feeds it to taste testers who proclaim it the best pork they’ve ever eaten…It’s all pretty disgusting.” – John Black, Boston Event Guide

“In OKJA, Bong Joon Ho has created an imaginative film that’s well crafted and delivers much of what you might be hoping for.” – Jaskee Hickman, Cinematic Essential

“Love him or hate him, there’s nobody else making movies quite like this guy.” – Sean Burns, The ARTery


The-Big-Sick-movie-1THE BIG SICK

“If you were to spend just under two hours telling me this same story at a party, I’d be making up an excuse to leave the conversation. Just because you decide to film it doesn’t necessarily mean it was worth being filmed in the first place.” – Greg Vellante, Edge Boston

“This isn’t a *bad* movie per se, but it is an extremely frustrating one that left me longing for the days when rom-coms weren’t structured like THE RETURN OF THE KING.” – Sean Burns, Spliced Personality



full-trailer-despicable-me-3DESPICABLE ME 3

“Mainly due to the characters and their zany antics, DESPICABLE ME 3 works far better than it probably should have.” – Jaskee Hickman, Cinematic Essential

“This seems like a funny concept, but it turns out to be a handful of tired clichés, accented with some catchy ’80s pop music.” – Michael Cox, Edge Boston

“The real strength of the films is the writing and animation, which manage to provide laughs for all age levels from slapstick to sly pop culture references.” – Daniel M. Kimmel, North Shore Movies

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