“If the faithful regard EXODUS with skepticism, it will be unsurprising given how the movie itself wavers and waffles.” – Kilian Melloy, Edge Boston
“Scott is no hack but in attempting to turn the story into another version of his big hit GLADIATOR he’s only shown he has no real idea what the story is about or what point he’s trying to make.” – Daniel M. Kimmel, The Jewish Advocate
“Cumberbatch…presents a character whose many psychological and emotional folds and layers are more complex than origami, and yet Cumberbatch makes Turing seem organic in his tics, and authentic in his mix of mathematical genius and social disconnect.” – Kilian Melloy, Kal’s Movie Blog
“THE IMITATION GAME spends so much time setting up complex puzzles that it oversimplifies the life of its central enigma…” – Brett Michel, Improper Bostonian
“Among Chris Rock’s films, this is more than in the top five. It is number one.” – Daniel M. Kimmel, North Shore Movies
“Rock lets his humor play broadly, but he fills out the space between gags with smart writing and pointed social insights.” – Andy Crump, Paste Magazine
“TOP FIVE hits on everything that it takes a swing at.” – Jaskee Hickman, The Movie Picture Show
“TOP FIVE is best when it lives in the world for which he’s most famous, stand-up comedy.” – David Riedel, Santa Fe Reporter
“TOP FIVE has a weird rhythm, vacillating as it does between long, gorgeously written conversations and abruptly filthy, flutter-cut interludes with an emphasis on the scatological.” – Sean Burns, Spliced Personality
“… there’s Oscar bait and then there’s Oscar bait, and for all of its awards-season intentions, WILD happens to be genuine, not to mention good.” – Andy Crump, Paste Magazine
“…a comedy of bureaucratic drudgery with a bunch of gals stuck in the middle of nowhere trying not to drive each other crazy while running the clock down on their mandatory service.” – Sean Burns, Spliced Personality