It is believed to be the first time a movie got an R rating for sex, drugs, and language ‘all involving tweens.’ This is no AFTERSCHOOL SPECIAL – Daniel M. Kimmel, North Shore Movies
“GOOD BOYS tries its best to make you laugh and never attempts to extend its reach too far beyond that.” – Jaskee Hickman, Cinematic Essential
“Much of GOOD BOYS follows the idea of plunging its protagonists into a world unknown, where drugs, sex, and romantic relationships start penetrating their lives as they begin their first steps toward growing up. It’s scarily accurate to the middle school experience, especially in how it navigates the concept of crushes and confusion about one’s evolving hormones.” – Greg Vellante, EDGE Media Network
“Blanchett is one of the finest actresses working in film today, easily moving between comedy and drama, and who threads the needle here in handling both.” – Daniel M. Kimmel, North Shore Movies