“The film is a compassionate portrait of several young men dead set on success in politics, with all the virtues– and flaws– that come with it.” – Oscar Goff, Boston Hassle
“…a frustratingly messy movie filled with twists and turns that lead nowhere and ultimately build towards nothing.” – John Black, Gruesome Magazine
“While I like where we end up in terms of the film’s conclusion, the ending itself is probably more predictable than I would have hoped. I ultimately didn’t mind though as the journey that got us there used a significant amount of unpredictability itself.” – Jaskee Hickman, Cinematic Essential
“Unlike the films of Hollywood’s Cinematic Universe Cycle, it is self-contained and resolutely un-goofy, but unlike the current wave of high-minded horrors, it makes no pretense of being Serious Art. It simply is what it is, and for that, I enjoyed the hell out of it.” – Oscar Goff, Boston Hassle