“If you think missing ENTOURAGE means you’ll miss out on chance of seeing an insightful inside look at the workings of a Hollywood studio, then watch the 1992 Robert Altman classic THE PLAYER. It’s a much better movie in every respect.” – John Black, Boston Event Guide
“As a satire of the movie industry, ENTOURAGE is Hollywood Lite.” – Daniel M. Kimmel, North Shore Movies
“…this pack of bratty wolves crying to moon about their rich white male problems is just annoying enough to call to animal control.” – Monica Castillo, International Business Times
“…so celebratory of its wickedness that it feels like the cinematic equivalent of partying within the nine consecutive circles of Hell.” – Charlie Nash, Cinematic Essential
“Thank goodness for SPY, which is funny, empowering, and avoids the slippery slope of mean comedy.” – Deirdre Crimmins, Cinematic Essential
“With the release of SPY, it seems that McCarthy has finally found a role that fits her like a glove.” – John Black, Boston Event Guide
“Melissa McCarthy is at the top of her game here, doling out one-liners at the same rate James Bond beds women.” – Sam Cohen, Under the Gun Review
“As perfect a star-vehicle as has been conceived for a comedian since Adam Sandler pulled on his blue suit for THE WEDDING SINGER.” – Bob Chipman, MovieBob
“Excruciatingly funny.” – Joyce Kulhawik, Joyce’s Choices
“INSIDIOUS: CHAPTER 3 does deliver some quality scares for people who aren’t completely turned off by horror films that welcome people under the age of eighteen.” – Jaskee Hickman, Cinematic Essential
“Fits together well enough, but there’s a sameness setting in that’s more pronounced now that you can’t blame it on other returning actors of plot details.” – Bob Chipman, MovieBob
“LOVE & MERCY doesn’t give us perfection, but it is a powerful, sensorially rich experience all the same.” – Kilian Melloy, Edge Boston
“In the current context, it wouldn’t be too much of a stretch to read LOVE & MERCY as some gentle rebuke to blockbuster-season excess.” – David Riedel, Santa Fe Reporter

“…what makes RESULTS so special is that it delivers all the conventional rom-com satisfactions while also stubbornly being it’s own unique thing. [Bujalski] has respect for the genre, yet brings an experimental filmmaker’s curiosity to the table.” – Sean Burns, Spliced Personality
“[Bujalski’s] replaced the hallmarks of the genre with the verbal awkwardness and spiritual messiness of real life.” – Jake Mulligan, Dig Boston
“Naivety is fun to poke fun at, sure. To grow up with these main players, at least make them interesting to watch being dynamic.” – Sam Cohen, Under the Gun Review