“It’s an immensely silly story that follows the structure of a Marvel superhero movie more than it does the original horror blueprint of its predecessor, but that doesn’t diminish DOCTOR SLEEP’s merit as a compelling work from a horror director who is always fascinated with the layers beneath the spookiness.” – Greg Vellante, Spectrum Culture
“As a fan of horror, I would have preferred a genuine scary movie here, but I left feeling satisfied with it being a drama/thriller instead.” – Jaskee Hickman, Cinematic Essential
“Physical and emotional trauma have always been omnipresent in the horror genre. Some filmmakers may use them as a cheap gambit to suck the viewer into whatever harebrained story they’re trying to tell. Others, like directors Rob Zombie and Mike Flanagan, work overtime to make sure their depictions are carefully construed through imagery and dialogue, much of which add to a specifically tailored atmosphere for often-familiar material to play out in.” – Sam Cohen, EDGE Media Network
“…a movie that will attract interest of fans of the novels or the earlier movie but falls short of its epic intentions.” – Daniel M. Kimmel, North Shore Movies
“It’s been a while since such a seriously seductive and evil character has shown up in a horror movie, especially one who scares the crap out of you without depending on makeup or special effects.” – John Black, Gruesome Magazine
I loved thinking about HONEY BOY after watching it, but I wish I could say the same about the act of watching the film itself. – Greg Vellante, EDGE Media Network
“It’s irrevocably sad and painstakingly honest, resulting in some of Baumbach’s richest and most rewarding storytelling. You don’t just watch it; you feel every single moment.” – Greg Vellante, Spectrum Culture