“…a mutant born out of haphazard screenwriting, poor direction and rushed special effects.” – Monica Castillo, International Business Times
“FANTASTIC FOUR is unimaginative and indiscernible from every other blow-’em-up blockbuster and does nothing to make you think otherwise.” – Sam Cohen, Substream Magazine
“Such a tragic disaster that there ought to be stuffed animals and votive candles piled up in front the theatre.” – Bob Chipman, Moviebob
“What’s the worst thing you can say about a superhero movie? It’s dull. THE FANTASTIC FOUR is deadly dull.” – Daniel M. Kimmel, North Shore Movies
“FANTASTIC FOUR is not unwatchable the first time around, but I do think it would be nearly impossible to sit through it again.” – Jaskee Hickman, Cinematic Essential
“…Trank tries to reinvent the wheel and comes up with a round ponderous unimpressive rock.” – Tim Estiloz, Boston Examiner
“Calling it “bad” does badness a disservice. The film exists to exist, with no ulterior motive beyond waging a property rights war.” – Andy Crump, A Constant Visual Feast
“…Ponsoldt has a soft touch, so even when we’re in the actors’ faces, we’re always just out of reach.” – Andy Crump, Paste Magazine
“What we have here is two very smart guys talking around each other for a couple of hours, each trying to negotiate their roles in what’s essentially a transactional relationship. ” – Sean Burns, Spliced Personality
“RICKI AND THE FLASH fails even though it had all of the elements to find success.” – Jaskee Hickman, Cinematic Essential
“[Jonathan] Demme doesn’t take sides here – there are no heroes and no villains in this film – just a bunch of flawed, decent people trying their best to muddle through a painful situation.” – Sean Burns, Spliced Personality
“[Jonathan Demme] cuts deeper into his characters with establishing shots than most filmmakers do with whole scenes.” – Jake Mulligan, Dig Boston
“Didn’t buy it, despite the cast and the efforts of director Jonathan Demme who must have left some of his mojo with PHILADELPHIA and THE SILENCE OF THE LAMBS.” – Joyce Kulhawik, Joyce’s Choices
“…a movie with as much imagination, smarts, charm and tenderness as any gargantuan Disney affair (or worse, DreamWorks affair).” – David Riedel, Santa Fe Reporter
“SHAUN THE SHEEP is a short animated flick that kids will be able to follow and get into even though there’s no one actually speaking in any understandable language.” – Jaskee Hickman, Cinematic Essential
“People looking for family entertainment that the whole family actually can enjoy will want to put this one on their list.” – Daniel M. Kimmel, North Shore Movies
“Exploring character motivation and the histories of complex relationships makes for an unexpected and absorbing film.” – Deidre Crimmins, Cinematic Essential
“Plenty ambiguous with excellent performances, subtle direction, and an ending that’s utterly disturbing.” – Joyce Kulhawik, Joyce’s Choices
“The potential for excitement with no audience pay-off makes for an overall underwhelming film.” – Deirdre Crimmins, Cinematic Essential