“Armor is the sort of movie that leaves you wondering why it was made in the first place. If Stallone didn’t do this for the money, let’s at least hope he was doing it as a favor for a friend.” – Daniel M. Kimmel, North Shore Movies
“It won’t change anyone’s minds about musicals, but for people like me who had to fight the urge to sing out loud, you are going to have a Wicked good time!” – Byron McNeal, On The Reel On Tumblr
“The fact that (Erivo and Grande) both sing live on the screen instead of lip syncing to a prerecorded soundtrack deserves special recognition and a round of applause. In fact, people should feel free to applaud at the end of each musical number in Wicked the movie just as they would watching Wicked the Broadway musical.” – John Black, Cinekong
“Wicked may be the best movie musical since Chicago (2002).” – Daniel M. Kimmel, North Shore Movies
“Ariana Grande and Cynthia Erivo are nothing short of spectacular in these parts, and they, expertly guided by Director Jon Chu (Crazy Rich Asians) hold the movie in the palms of their hands.” – Joyce Kulhawik, Joyce’s Choices