wonder-woman-justice-leagueJUSTICE LEAGUE

“It has its moments, but it comes across as an “Avengers” wannabe with second-rank superheroes.” – Daniel M. Kimmel, North Shore Movies

“…the biggest problem I have with JUSTICE LEAGUE is that it never shows us what we are fighting for.” – Deirdre Crimmins, Film Thrills

“Much to my surprise, I ended up coming out of JUSTICE LEAGUE looking forward to what may be ahead for us in the future.” – Jaskee Hickman, Cinematic Essential

“This movie reportedly cost three-hundred million dollars, and it can’t figure out how to fix a fucking mustache.” – Sean Burns, Spliced Personality



“A harsh look at loss, potent misogyny and the insidious nature of unchecked racism while also being a dark comedy, a stirring tragedy and above all else a remarkable and raw character study, the film masters its tone.” – Allyson Johnson, The Young Folks

“THREE BILLBOARDS is the most consistently surprising film I’ve seen this year, not because of its plot twists, but because these characters are constantly revealing unexpected sides of themselves.” – Sean Burns, The ARTery




“The characters in LAST FLAG FLYING love this country enough to question what they fought and bled for, demanding that we in the audience honor their sacrifice by doing the same.” – Sean Burns, The ARTery




“…if you’re looking for a movie this season that, for a little while at any rate, will make you feel better about the world, this is the one you need to see.” – Daniel M. Kimmel, North Shore Movies



gods-own-country-1108x0-c-default-xlarge_trans_NvBQzQNjv4Bqfp92onrxCPHoA1vgDHQjmV28A-gkIo8OHL4NbqJ56a0GOD’S OWN COUNTRY

“With a deft script that builds such a world around its characters that its silence goes unnoticed, “God’s Own Country” is such a success because there’s a deep appreciation for what the characters are creating.” – Allyson Johnson, Cambridge Day


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