
“Green could have easily presented Bauman as a fictional construct like Sgt. Saunders, an “inspiring” figure who serves as a hero, but the man he reveals is no saint; instead, Gyllenhaal’s Bauman is simply a person who was at the right place at the wrong time.” –Brett Michel, The Improper Bostonian

“…STRONGER is a worthy tribute to not just Jeff Bauman’s story, but everything his story represented and everyone his story impacted — from the people who witnessed his recovery firsthand, to the bystanders who encountered his story through the media and applied Jeff’s struggles to their own in hopes of making things feel a little bit easier.” – Greg Vellante, Edge Boston

“At its best, the film recalls late-period Eastwood pictures like FLAGS OF OUR FATHERS and AMERICAN SNIPER in its plumbing of the gulf between the truth and what people need to hear.” – Sean Burns, North Shore Movie



a0204a9adc85109a-600x400KINGSMAN: THE GOLDEN CIRCLE

“There’s enough here to run with yet Vaughn and Co. take the easy way out.” – Sam Cohen, Substream Magazine

“The violence earns the film its R rating–deservedly so–despite its largely cartoonish nature including killer robot dogs and a meat grinder used as a murder weapon.” – Daniel M. Kimmel, North Shore Movies

“Overpopulated and overplotted, inflated to an absurd 141-minute running time, it’s just another cruddy franchise picture.” – Sean Burns, Spliced Personality




Friend-Request-2016-movie-Simon-Verhoeven-12FRIEND REQUEST

“FRIEND REQUEST is not only socially irresponsible, it is boring and unimaginative.” – Deidre Crimmins, Film Thrills






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