Lulu-Wilson-as-Linda-in-Annabelle-CreationANNABELLE: CREATION

“It’s so slow and so predictable that people may start shouting out wisecracks to keep it moving along.” – Daniel M. Kimmel, North Shore Movies

“ANNABELLE: CREATION is fine in some ways, but I know they could have given us more.” – Jaskee Hickman, Cinematic Essential


0810_wind-river-1-1000x753WIND RIVER

“What we have in WIND RIVER leads me to believe that Taylor Sheridan could possibly have a successful career as a director should he continue down that path.” – Jaskee Hickman, Cinematic Essential

“You can’t make a movie about simple retributive justice “important” by reminding us of the films ugly setting. (Which this film does for far too long after its climax.) In this case, a movie becomes condescending cultural misappropriation.” – Michael Cox, Edge Boston

“To be honest, the central mystery of “Wind River” is not all that mysterious and rather quickly solved. What’s more important are the textures of a community devastated by drugs and poverty.” – Sean Burns, The ARTery




“…an unpleasant two hours ending with an image of family unity that may be hard to believe, even if true.” – Daniel M. Kimmel, North Shore Movies

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